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NESC call for Expressions of Interest for Sustainability Research 2017
- 12 May 2017
- Types: News
NESC today called for Expressions of Interest for Sustainability Research 2017.
As part of its focus on sustainability issues, NESC is seeking an experienced post-graduate researcher to work alongside NESC staff for 12-18 months on a project, ‘Governance for Low Carbon Transition’.
Meeting our energy targets and effectively transitioning towards a carbon-free society represents a huge economic and societal opportunity for the country (EPA, 2016:184).[1] However, there are considerable governance challenges in moving towards a low carbon society, given the complexity and uncertainty of climate change policy and the scale and speed of the changes required at multiple levels of the economy and society. NESC is seeking to probe particular aspects of this public governance challenge to identify practices of learning, engagement, problem-solving and innovation, drawing from Ireland and abroad, at national and local levels. Particular focus will be placed on key sectors for climate mitigation: agriculture, transport, energy and the built environment.
The research will be primarily desk-based but will require qualitative interviews and would need to be completed by the end of 2018. While the recruitment process to be used will be in accordance public procurement guidelines and include competitive tendering, it is anticipated that the remuneration of the Researcher(s) will be in line with the current range for Post-doctoral candidates. Please see Proposed Terms of Reference for further information. Reasonable research expenses will be paid (not to be included in the quoted price).
To submit an expression of interest please put in writing by post or email to Richard Holland NESC (and NESDO), 16 Parnell Square, Dublin D01 E7C1 ( before noon on 23rd May, 2017 outlining the following:
a) your interest in undertaking this research work;
b) your availability between June 2017 to December 2018; and
c) confirmation that you have the appropriate skills and experience as outlined in the Proposed Terms of Reference.
Any questions on the research, in the interim, should be directed to Dr Jeanne Moore ( / 01 8146336)
[1] EPA (2016) Ireland’s Environment: An Assessment. Dublin: Environmental Protection Agency.