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NESC Moderates at the 19th Social Inclusion Forum in Croke Park
- 6 June 2024
- Topics: Social
- Types: News

Dr Helen Johnston, policy analyst at NESC, moderated the panel question and answer session at the 19th Social Inclusion Forum, which took place at Croke Park on Thursday 30th May. The Forum brings together policy makers, service providers and service users from across Government Departments, people experiencing poverty and/or social exclusion, and the community and voluntary groups that represent them to discuss and debate national policy on poverty reduction and social inclusion. The Forum focuses on the delivery of the Government’s Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020-2025, more information on which can be found here.
The Panel moderated by Helen included Joe O’Brien, Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection; Niall Egan, Assistant Secretary at the Department of Social Protection; Mary Brigid Collins, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre; and Susanne Rogers, Social Justice Ireland. Questions fielded by the Panel related to Travellers, people with disabilities, childcare, children in emergency accommodation, place-based deprivation, the balance between cash supports and provision of services, the need to target supports at the most disadvantaged groups and the links between the Social Inclusion Forum and the National Economic Dialogue.
NESC discussed issues of poverty and inequality at its NESC@50 event – for more on this event see here.