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Policy Workshop: Land Use, Land Value and Urban Development
- 7 March 2018
- Types: Press Releases

Ireland’s housing system faces a crisis. While there are many aspects to this crisis, the issue of how to provide affordable rental and/owner occupied housing for growing proportion of the population remains paramount. It is also accepted that Ireland needs to a substantial and sustained increase in the level of investment in public transport particularly in urbanised settings. In seeking to identify how Ireland might address these twin policy challenges we have undertaken initial that work that identifies key lessons from effective approaches to the provision of affordable housing and transport infrastructure internationally.
The purpose of this workshop was to review international good practice, with the aim of exploring what policy and institutional changes are required to progress active land management and value capture in a manner that supports the delivery of affordable housing, ensures sustainable increases in the funding of public transport infrastructure and fosters sustainable urban development here in Ireland.
The workshop included analysis and discussion of the following issues:
- Using and developing land in public ownership
- Embedding affordability in the management of public and privately owned land and urban development actions.
- Active land management and privately owned land
- Land value capture and the funding of infrastructure
- The role of institutions for housing and urban development
- Integrating land use and transport planning and
- Adopting a national programmatic approach to comprehensive urban development
Presentations given are listed below.
- Professor Barrie Needham
- Dr Wolfgang Förster, Partners on Urbanism and Sustainable Housing
- Professor Michelle Norris, UCD
- Discussion Questions
- Graeme Craig, Commercial Director, Transport for London
- Steve Fyfe, Head of Housing Strategy, & Anne Morgan, Head of Strategic Planning, Greater Manchester Combined Authority