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NESC’s Director Dr. Rory O’Donnell and Sinead Nic Coitir participate in the 25th EEAC Annual Conference, in Maastricht 12 October 2017
- 11 October 2017
- Types: News

NESC Policy Director Dr. Rory O’Donnell and Sinead Nic Coitir participate in the 25th EEAC Annual Conference, Maastrict, 12 October 2017.
Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface
The EEAC Network is celebrating its 25th Annual Conference on 12 October 2017 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, with an extraordinary event, entitled: Towards the 2030 Agenda and beyond: European cooperation within a new citizens–science–policy interface.
Like many other organizations, the EEAC network is challenged by the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the present political and societal atmosphere, and the changing interface between science, policy and society. Citizens are claiming their voice, and are no longer taking established facts and institutions for granted.
We need renewed inspiration for European cooperation that goes beyond borders, silos and institutional barriers. The 25th EEAC Annual Conference will be dedicated to these needs.
Follow at #EEAC25
For more information on the event click here
To read more about NESC’s current work click here.