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Anne-Marie McGauran

Anne-Marie is currently on secondment to the Child Poverty and Well-being Programme Office in the Department of an Taoiseach.

Anne-Marie’s work focuses on equality and social issues. In 2021, she led projects involving digital inclusion and the roll-out of the Community Call initiative to support vulnerable people during Covid-19 lockdowns. The following year she led a project looking at how well-being policies are implemented internationally. Her research in 2023 on Ireland’s economic resilience and vulnerability, with a specific emphasis on social vulnerabilities, resulted in the Council Report Inequality and Well-Being Frameworks.

Anne-Marie was co-author of NESC’s important study on jobless households, and its study on the future of Ireland’s welfare state. She has also worked on the impacts of Covid-19 on gender and ethnic minorities and migrants in Ireland, on how states manage crises and disasters, and on a number of projects on Ireland’s housing system.

Prior to joining NESC in 2011, Anne-Marie was a policy analyst at the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) from 2005. The NESF analysed the implementation of measures and programmes focused on social inclusion and equality. Her work there focused on eldercare and inclusion in the arts.

Prior to that, Anne-Marie worked as Head of the NDP Gender Equality Unit in the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. This Unit advised policy makers on how to incorporate gender equality into mainstream policies funded under the National Development Plan 2000-2006. She also worked as a post-doctoral research fellow in the University of Queensland, Australia; as a researcher on the governance of state agencies in the Institute of Public Administration in Dublin; and as a doctoral fellow on a Marie Curie fellowship in Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, France.

Anne-Marie was on the board of One Family, a charity which supports lone parents, holding the roles of Secretary, Treasurer and Chair between 2010 and 2018. She is also a research associate with the Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies in Trinity College Dublin, where she lectures master’s students and supervises MA theses.

Anne-Marie has a PhD in Gender and Women’s Studies from Trinity College Dublin. Her thesis compared the impact of government policies on women’s employment in France and Ireland. She has an MA in economic geography, and a BA in geography and English literature from UCD.


Selected Bibliography



Towards Transformative Outcomes

Digital Inclusion in Ireland: Connectivity, Devices & Skills

Ireland’s Social Welfare System: Gender, Family and Class (151/4)

Welfare and Employment in Ireland Income, Wealth, Redistribution and their Implications for the Welfare System (151/7)

Gender and Covid-19 in Ireland

Community Call: Learning for the Future

The Impacts of Covid-19 on Ethnic Minority and Migrant Groups in Ireland

Challenges Facing the Welfare State (151/9)

Low Work Intensity Households and the Quality of Supportive Services: Detailed Research Report



Johnston, H and McGauran, A-M  (2021) ‘Moving towards a more tailored Public Employment Service?’  Administration, 69, 2, pp 107 – 125

McGauran, A-M (2009) Gender mainstreaming and the public policy implementation
process: Round pegs in square holes?’ Policy and Politics, 37 (2), pp 215-233

Verhoest, Koen, McGauran, A-M & Humphreys, P (2007) ‘To agencify or not to
agencify? A more systematic approach to the creation of Irish agencies’,
Administration, 55 (1), pp 149-179

McGauran, A-M, Verhoest, K & Humphreys, P (2005) The corporate governance of
agencies in Ireland: Non-commercial national agencies, CPMR Research Report
no.6, Dublin: Institute of Public Administration

McGauran, A-M & McNamara, T (eds) (2005) Gender Equality Phase 3 – Special edition
of Administration, 53 (2)

McGauran, A-M (2005) The experience of gender mainstreaming the National
Development Plan Administration, Special edition, 53 (2), pp 24-44

Crowley, N & McGauran, A-M (2005)Gender mainstreaming in Ireland – the past and
the future Administration, Special edition, 53 (2), pp 115-135

McGauran, A-M (2005) Plus ça change? Gender mainstreaming of the Irish National
Development Plan, Studies in Public Policy series, no. 15, Dublin: Policy Institute,
Trinity College

McGauran, A-M (2004) Comparing student employment in French and Irish retailing,
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 32 (5), pp 259-269

McGauran, A-M (2001) Retail is detail: cross-national variation in the character of
retail selling in Paris and Dublin, International Journal of Retail, Distribution &
Consumer Research, 11 (4), pp 437-458

McGauran, A-M (2001) Masculine, feminine or neutral? In-company equal
opportunities policies in Irish and French MNC retailing’, International Journal
of Human Resource Management, 12 (5), pp 754-771

McGauran, A-M (2000) Vive la différence: The gendering of occupational structures in
a case study of Irish and French retailing, Women’s Studies International Forum,
23 (5), pp 613-626

McGauran, A-M (1996) ‘The effects of EU policy on women’s employment: the case of
women in Irish and French retailing’, Irish Journal of Feminist Studies, 1 (2), pp

Buttimer, A & McGauran, A-M (1994) ‘The impact of EC agricultural policies on the
Irish rural landscape’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Geographica, XXIX (1), pp 5-

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