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Climate Change Policy
The urgent need for ambitious and meaningful climate action is evident and compelling. Progress in pushing down global emissions is immediately required in Ireland and globally. This is a critical time for climate policy with significant work underway across Government and in the Oireachtas. The Council’s work on climate change and environment will support and contribute to this work.
Getting Policy Process Right
This work supports the ongoing effort to develop effective institutions and processes capable of driving emissions down. It takes transport as an entry point to wider climate policy. It begins by outlining some of the lessons from previous NESC work on climate and transport, in particular presenting the key findings of new research on the role of governance within transport, commissioned by NESC. It then draws out, based on this and other aspects of its work, insights relevant to wider climate policy
Advancing the Low-Carbon Transition in Irish Transport
This research from DCU identifies three main themes: complexities inherent in transport; competing priorities and contestation between institutional drivers; and the fragmented governance landscape and institutional opportunities for enhanced co-ordination. Building on research findings, the report identifies a set of recommendations and poses a number of questions for stakeholders who wish to strengthen low-carbon transition in Irish transport.
The full report can be viewed here
The research series paper can be viewed here